Tests: Basic
This page is meant for me to test, how some edge cases are handled.
Badge types without properties
[normal 1 | test] [link 1 | example.com] [copy 1 | Text to copy] [PyPI | mkdocs]
[with properties 1 | test]
Layout (overflow) tests
Singel tag: [This text is very long. This text is even longer. | This value is the longest test value on this page at this time]
Long list of tags: [aaaaa | bbbbb] [ccccc | ddddd] [eeeee | fffff] [ggggg | hhhhh] [iiiii | jjjjj] [kkkkk | lllll] [mmmmm | nnnnn] [ooooo | ppppp] [qqqqq | rrrrr] [sssss | ttttt] [uuuuu | vvvvv] [wwwww | xxxxx] [yyyyy | zzzzz] [aaaaa | bbbbb] [ccccc | ddddd] [eeeee | fffff] [g | hhhhhh] [iiiii | jjjjj]
Overlong element in long list: [aaaaa | bbbbb] [This text is very long. This text is even longer. | This value is the longest test value on this page at this time] [ccccc | ddddd] [eeeee | fffff] [ggggg | hhhhh]
special cases
[emoji badge, should work | 👍] [image too big | ] [image small | ] [ | ] [ | SVG as key (see issue #2)] [circle | ] [Very large image | ]
[text contains a backslash and a | pipe symbol | value] [text contains two backslashes and a \ | pipe symbol] [text contains three backslashes and a | pipe symbol | value] [text contains four backslashes and a \ | pipe symbol] |text contains *escaped* `code` [link](http://example.com) markup | pipe symbol|
Since this format matches the markdown tables format, I need to make sure that no header comes before any of my values
Markdown | Table |
table rows | should not be parsed |
table row without outer pipes | should not be parsed |
[not part of the table | should be parsed]
Reflink badges
[normal badge with reflink | should work]
Tag badges
[tag | value] [special!%# | chars__in.value*()]
Single element badges
[This is a ]